Adam strives to be original no matter what he does and says his personality will polarise the other contestants and the fans. Adam believes he is unpredictable, witty and intense and looks forward to creating his own destiny in the game by working with “smart” players.
Ahleeyah has her eyes firmly on the prize, with an intention to “kill, kill, kill” and to win even if it means friending, unfriending or anything in between. Ahleeyah believes she is humorous, intelligent and brilliant but is egotistical, abrasive and doesn’t know when to shut up!
Shannon compares herself to a “train wreck” and feels she will bring entertainment to the game as people will be keen to see where she goes next. While Shannon believes she is honest and friendly, she plans to use the weaknesses of others against them.
Adam strives to be original no matter what he does and says his personality will polarise the other contestants and the fans. Adam believes he is unpredictable, witty and intense and looks forward to creating his own destiny in the game by working with “smart” players.